Finding Expert Witnesses

There are numerous challenges in finding the right expert witness, but you don’t have to manage it on your own. We have vast experience locating and working with medical experts. We can assist you in identifying the precise type of expert physician/nurse needed to address relevant issues in the case.

Locating those experts is often a time-consuming and tedious process. Call on us to utilize our ample network of qualified professionals, or locate a provider with a specific expertise, in a timely and cost-effective manner. 

Expert giving Testimony

Going the Extra Mile

Above and beyond, we go that extra step to vet the expert, getting answers to key questions that can ensure this expert is the ‘right fit’ for your needs. Finally, we provide liaison services to enhance communication, maximize effectiveness, and minimize costs.

"When I first received the medical records to be reviewed for a particular case I had estimated that it would take 8-10 hours to complete my review. However, working with a Legal Nurse Consultant, I completed my task in only 3 hours. This expedited process occurred for several reasons. First, our pre-review teleconference provided me with a solid sense of the issues of concern. Second, the massive volumes of medical records were meticulously separated and ordered which allowed me to avoid getting stuck in the search process. Finally, our post-review teleconference was very instructive as I appreciated her clinical expertise in both the nursing and medical areas of concern in this case.

I am always extremely concerned about the economic cost of my consultant services, particularly in regards to the strained resources of most nursing home plaintiffs and their families. With the Legal Nurse Consultant's assistance and leg work I was able to complete my review and have a cogent discussion in the shortest time possible."

Thomas M. Naughton, MD, M.P.H.
New Berlin, WI